Armor Foam Full Roll

Upgrade Your Foam Features

Better foam = better armor.

If you are a seasoned pro at building armor with softer density foams, then you are gonna be amazed by how much better your builds turn out when using Armor Foam and all of the enhanced foam features. We can’t gaurrantee a great fit or a perfect paint job, but we can promise a better experience with less restrictions due to material, which is bound to create jaw-dropping finished pieces for you to show off. 

Armor Foam on Cutting Mat

Creativity by the roll.

Save yourself precious time and the headache of hiding seam lines on large pieces by purchasing foam by the roll rather than smaller sheets. Measuring at 20” x 40”, each roll is the perfect size for a medium to large size armor build and isn’t so big you have to have an extra room in your house just to store it.

Need more? We got you covered with discounts on bulk purchases, all shipped directly to your front door.

Armor Foam on Cutting Mat
Armor Foam Roll

Say hello to choices.

Want to use the pen or even pencil (yes we said pencil) of your choice to mark foam? You’re in luck. So did we. The ultra-firm surface in medium gray shows both light and dark ink and even more subtle ball points and lead markings. So feel free to stop wasting money on expensive sharpies or paint markers.

Armor Foam Thickness

Thickness for everday projects and builds.

Armor Foam is very dense, which means your cosplay armor and props can use a thinner foam, but still maintain it’s rigidity. At 5mm thick, this also means an overall lighter build when complete, cutting some of the stress of wearing, carrying and showing off your one-of-a-kind pieces.

Armor Foam Thickness
Armor Foam Roll

+2x the density you’re probably using now.

You thought you were using the most rigid foam available. Well prepared to be blown away when you get your hands on a roll of Armor Foam. The denser foam creates a rock-solid finished piece making your build not only look like metal, but kinda feel like it too.

Armor Foam Shaping

Heats, molds and holds it’s shape like no other.

Once heated to the molding temperature, the foam becomes just as shapable as lower density foams. But here is where Armor Foam shines. Once it is molded into the desired shape and then cools, it stays that way…like really stays that way. The higher molding temperature means that it takes higher temps to reactivate the cells in the foam, which means your builds are way less likely to flatten out over time or during transport or storage in warm areas. You can rest assured that your build will look good no matter what stress you put it through.

Armor Foam Shaping
Armor Foam Roll

Let’s get started on your next project.

If you’ve made it this far, then you must be just as excited as we are when we find the perfect material for our next build. If your gears are turning and can’t wait to get your next project started, then there’s only one thing left to do…